City Mall is a brand of Convenience Retail developments targeted peri urbans centers in Africa. City Malls are developed in partnership with municipalities through Public Private Partnership Agreements. The Real Estate Projects are designed with the need of local communities in mind. It has the merit of creating a new retail model that has the best of modern design and amenities are well as being grounded into the realities of Africa. Our retail malls are design by Archetype, one of the leading architectural design firms in Asia.
Projects are financed through and innovative structure that includes securitization of rental incomes. This approach allows the financing to avoid excessive leveraging through Bank loans which increases cost and risk.
City Mall are high social impact developments through Job creation for the youth and by allowing municipalities to earn income that can be converted in social activities.
ACS Capital plans to build 3 Markets in Senegal in 2022-23 and will rapidly expand into Cote d’Ivoire.