Residential Real Estate in WAEMU

AFRICA’S RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE MARKET The growth in Africa aligns with the expansion of the African residential real estate market, evidenced by an annual GDP growth of 3.6% and a population expansion of 2.3% as of 2022. This is driven by factors such as the continent’s rapid urbanization, the expanding middle-class demographic, rising foreign direct…

Real Estate Crowdfunding: Democratizing Real Estate Investment

INTRODUCTION The world of real estate investment has long been a domain reserved for investors with substantial capital and industry connections. However, in recent years, real estate crowdfunding platforms have transformed this landscape, allowing ordinary investors to participate in real estate projects online. This innovative approach to real estate investment has democratized the sector, making…


INTRODUCTION Real estate pricing is a complex interplay of various factors that shape the value of properties in any given market. These factors, ranging from supply and demand dynamics to the intrinsic characteristics of a property, collectively contribute to the process of price discovery. This article explores the key elements influencing real estate pricing and…

Instruments de financement structuré pour les projets d'infrastructure Aciencia Capital

Structured Finance Instruments for Infrastructure Projects

Introduction Structured finance is a specialized financial approach mainly suited for large corporations with specific financial needs that traditional loans cannot address. It involves complex and sometimes risky transactions and is often used to fund significant infrastructure projects. These financial instruments help manage risks, attract investors, and allocate resources efficiently, typically requiring substantial capital from…

Blochain and Real state Aciencia Capital

How Blockchain Technology is Revolutionising Real Estate Transactions

Introduction The world has witnessed a number of exciting technological innovations in the last decade, ranging from the popularisation of AI as an everyday tool to self-driving cars. This advent of technology has changed business ways by simplifying and bettering traditional processes, taking the world by storm. One such notable game changer for the industry…